This animation series is about some animals on a deserted tropical island, where various things are mysteriously found. Most of them want to cohabit happily: the leader Ovide and his cousin named Saphron, the cook and gardener, both platypuses, the red lizard Polo who's the janitor and muscles, the seagull Groaner, the koalas Do, re and Mi and the kangaroo Mathilda, against whom the evil serpent Cy and his intrinsically gentle helper Bobo the toucan conceive horrible plans, which always fail in the end. Bizarly there is also a TV broadcast with a platypus-announcer. Written by KGF Vissers
琼·布朗德尔,约翰·韦恩,菲利普·梅里韦尔,伊迪丝·巴雷特,列昂尼德·金斯基,蒙塔古·洛夫,卡梅尔‧迈尔斯,多萝茜·伯吉斯,Blanche Yurka,Ray Middleton,Hattie Noel,盖·厄舍,Ivan Miller,Patricia Knox,Lew Payton,Marilyn Hare,Hall Johnson Choir
Radek Valenta,Andrea Cerná,Yvetta Blanarovicová,雅库布·津杜尔卡,Lucie Bílá,Alois Svehlík